Saturday, December 23, 2006

Tradition is Sweet

You really don't see anyone writing about what makes the perfect Christmas wine, unlike the Thanksgiving holiday when endless verbiage is thrown around about the "perfect wine." Sure, this time of year many are writing about the best bargains in bubbly, but that's because Christmas practically runs right into New Year's.

The reason there is no perfect Christmas wine is simple -- there's a lot less predictability to Christmas foods. The featured fare in all likelihood will vary depending on your family's Christmas traditions. Some people I know do Christmas goose; others do roast beef; still others do turkey, again. All require different wines.

Our family's big celebration is on Christmas Eve, and, while we're not Italian, our tradition probably comes closer to the Italian "feast of seven fishes" than anything else. We have a variety of shellfish and seafood pasta, with lobster as the grand event. While you might think a white Burgundy or a crisp Loire white might be in order, Christmas tradition at our house requires Asti Spumante -- and lots of it.

The architect of our Christmas celebration was my mother, and her favorite wine in the world was Asti Spumante. Actually, she was not much of a wine drinker, but on Christmas Eve she had to have her sweet bubbly. After all the work that went into that dinner, why not?

I'm not crazy about Asti Spumante, except with cake after dinner. And, I have brought other whites to have with dinner over the years. But Spumante is the star of the show at Christmas because it's a tradition, one that reminds us of mom, who has been gone for seven years now. I'm a big believer in respecting and enjoying traditions. So, I'll have my share, too.

If you celebrate Christmas, have a very merry one, whatever your traditions may be!


Blogger JD said...

I'm glad for you. Welcome to the world of truly terrific pinot noirs!! Now, I'd love for you to try an Etude "Heirloom," wow.

2:22 PM  
Blogger JD said...

You obviously have one of those marriages built on honesty. Good for you...I think ;-)

7:13 PM  

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